We love to travel and explore
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+34 66 95 88 651
Get in touch. We are halftime retired after being selfemployed for many years in our own buisiness, fashion (Lena) and restaurants (Hasse). In 2017 we moved to an apartment in Fuengirola,Spain. Now we want to explore the rest of this planet. 
Give us a proposal!
Our H O M E
find us.
Hasse o Lena Stjernedal Karlsson CalleRodrigo de Triana 7, 14 B 296 40 Fuengirola Malaga Malaga Spain

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We love to travel and explore
Click to call!
+34 66 95 88 651
Get in touch. We are halftime retired after being selfemployed for many years in our own buisiness, fashion (Lena) and restaurants (Hasse). In 2017 we moved to an apartment in Fuengirola,Spain. Now we want to explore the rest of this planet. 
Give us a proposal!
Our H O M E
find us.
Hasse o Lena Stjernedal Karlsson CalleRodrigo de Triana 7, 14 B 296 40 Fuengirola Malaga Malaga Spain
Benefits of exchanging your home Cheap The greater the number you are traveling with, and the longer you stay, the cheaper it will become compared to other accommodations. Personal You get to know someone else's home and surroundings, and get good advices about what to do. Practical You often can borrow things you need, from bicycles to games. Since you can wash your clothes, you can reduce your packing. Flexible You are not locked out of mealtimes or guided tours. You take care of yourself and disposes over your own time Exciting You will stay outside the normal tourist areas. Safe You get someone who is watering your flowers, taking care of your mail, and maybe mowing the grass and feeding the fish. Your home is not empty so the the risk of burglary decreases.